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Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo's News Conference

NOVEMBER 22, 2024Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo spoke in Winter Haven on , saying all communities statewide should stop adding fluoride to drinking water and referring to fluoridation as "medical malpractice".


Dr. Bob Dickson, is interviewed by former Ontario physician Dr. Mark Trozzi.  They discuss the full scope of fluoridation issues from the beginning, to the current law suit with the Environmental Protection Agency.

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MAY 30 2024—Fluoride: Dental Miracle or Neurotoxic Threat?

Fluoride has no role in any natural biochemical process in the human body. For decades fluoride has been used and promoted for reducing dental cavities. In addition to its presence in toothpastes and other dental products, fluoride is added to municipal drinking water in three chemical forms: sodium fluoride (NaF), fluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6), and sodium fluorosilicate (Na2SiF6).

Fluorosilicic acid is a byproduct of phosphate fertilizer production, and has various other uses including rust removal cleaning products. Critics of fluorination of municipal drinking water point to various concerns including neurotoxicity and reduced intelligence in children who ingest it routinely.  


Dr. Bob Dickson MD is a Canadian physician who has dedicated much of his life to important humanitarian causes. He is passionate about ending the fluorination of water and improving our children’s health and intelligence. This Calgary physician co-led the anti-fluoridation program in Calgary since 1999. This resulted in Calgary’s water fluoridation being halted in 2011. He is the founder of Safe Water Calgary and the Chair of Fluoride Free Canada.  


As we have seen with  medical doctors who raise concerns about the covid-19 genetic “vaccines”; Dr. Dickson is under investigation by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta because of his public education and activism regarding fluoride. In the context of the past four years, if anything, that only adds adds credibility to Dr. Dickson’s work. There is no conflict of interest for him.  


Dr. Dickson states that artificial water fluoridation lacks common sense, is highly unethical, violates the precautionary principle, damages children’s brains, and is not needed for even a single natural bodily function.


I hope this interview with Dr. Dickson helps all of us evaluate water fluorination and make sound decisions regarding our health, including our children’s teeth and brains. I hope you will then inquire as to whether or not fluorosilicic acid is added to your town’s drinking water, and speak with your elected officials to help all of us make the best decisions for our children and ourselves.


—Dr. Mark Trozzi


Dr. Bob Dickson, Chair of Fluoride Free Canada and Founder of Safe Water Calgary, provides an illuminating overview of the current situation with the US Court Case against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). He also discusses the most recent Health Canada report on fluoridation.

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FEBRUARY 29, 2024—I met with my Calgary doctor friend again to discuss this issue that he has been working on for 25 years. Fluoride. Dr. Bob used to be a proponent for fluoride in the water until activists had him look at a study back in 1998. I joke that after he realized his mistake, he was like an ex-smoker. Tenacious! He has been trying to expose the lies for 25 years!

They were successful in turning off the taps on fluoride in Calgary in 2011. The "fluoridians" fought back and in 2021, they won a plebiscite to put fluoride back into Calgary water. The costs to bring back neurotoxins is starting at about $28 million dollars. To this Calgarian, I believe that the cost is too high for adding this known toxin to all the water of 1.3 million people.

Dr. Bob and I discuss the dumbing down and damaging effects this will have on generations of children for tiny benefits. Get involved. Do your research.


—Bruce Scholl, Unscrew the News Podcast



By Robert C Dickson MD, CCFP, FCFP


In this article published by DRUTHERS, Dr. Dickson summarizes the history and challenges of water fluoridation and why fluoridation is NOT safe.


"I am a medical doctor, and I strongly oppose artificial water fluoridation. It is said that if a lie or mistruth is repeated often enough, it will finally be accepted as true. Such is the case with the oft-stated mantra of the pro-fluoridationists, persisting for eight decades now—water fluoridation is ‘safe and effective’. Today, we hear that mantra repeated recklessly, across many forums, for entities and treatments that are neither." 

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History and current status of Calgary's fluoridation,
containing excellent advice and tips for everyone! 

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AUGUST, 2023—Dr. Robert C. (Bob) Dickson was born in Tofield, Alberta in 1951. He has a degree in Physical Education, an MD from the University of Calgary, and certification in Paramedics from SAIT in Calgary.

Dr. Bob is past President of Change for Children, past President Tools for Peace, and past Chair of the Board of Directors of Arusha Cross Cultural Centre. He was a senior partner with Results Canada, with a mandate to end starvation, debilitating diseases and poverty globally for many years. He was instrumental with RESULTS Canada in mandating that maternal and child health be the signature initiative of the 2010 G8/G20 forum in Toronto, and in the ensuing announcements of $1.1 billion and later $3.4 billion for maternal and child health committed by the Canadian government for these programs. As well, he volunteers with Medical Mercy Canada, most recently in Thailand with the Burmese refugees and in Nepal, and is on the board of the Four Worlds Centre for International Development.

Dr. Dickson co-led the anti-fluoridation program in Calgary from 1999 which resulted in water fluoridation being halted in 2011, and continues to actively volunteer with the issue of artificial water fluoridation. He is the founder of Safe Water Calgary, and launched their new website in 2017. Dr. Dickson is also the chair of Fluoride Free Canada

Dr. Bob has actively partnered with Project Ixcanaan since 2003 to rebuild and support the remote village of El Remate in the Peten province of northeastern Guatemala. He has worked on climate change issues with 4 C (Calgary Citizens on Climate Change), meeting and interacting frequently with elected officials and senior administrators in the Calgary civic and provincial governments. 4 C hosted a successful federal Climate Change Forum, has authored White Papers on climate issues, and brought George Marshall from Climate Outreach in the UK to Calgary for a series of workshops to promote respectful communication.

Dr Bob is the proud father of Luke, a resident of Calgary as well. Bob also travels extensively, has an admitted golf addiction, bikes and is an avid pickleball player and dancer. He retired from his family practice in NW Calgary in 2013 but still maintains an active medical licence as of 2023 and works minor emergency shifts when back from his travels.




Water fluoridation is the practice of adding industrial-grade fluoride chemicals to water for the purpose of preventing tooth decay. One of the little known facts about this practice is that the United States, which fluoridates over 70% of its water supplies, has more people drinking fluoridated water than the rest of the world combined. Most developed nations, including all of Japan and 97% of western Europe, do not fluoridate their water.


In the United States, the Oral Health Division of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) hails fluoridation as one of the “top ten public health achievements of the 20th century.” However, comprehensive data from the World Health Organization reveals that there is no discernible difference in tooth decay between the minority of western nations that fluoridate water, and the majority that do not. In fact, the tooth decay rates in many non-fluoridated countries are now lower than the tooth decay rates in fluoridated ones.


As is becoming increasingly clear, fluoridating water supplies is an outdated, unnecessary, and dangerous relic from a 1950s public health culture that viewed mass distribution of chemicals much differently than scientists do today. The  few nations that still fluoridate their water should end the practice. Below are three reasons why...



REASON #1:  Fluoridation Is an Outdated Form of Mass Medication


Unlike all other water treatment processes, fluoridation does not treat the water itself, but the person consuming it. The Food & Drug Administration accepts that fluoride is a drug, not a nutrient, when used to prevent disease. By definition therefore, fluoridating water is a form of medication. This is why most western European nations have rejected the practice — because in their view, the public water supply is not an appropriate place to be adding drugs, particularly when fluoride is readily available for individual use in the form of toothpaste.


REASON #2:  Fluoridation Is Unnecessary and Ineffective


The most obvious reason to end fluoridation is that it is now known that fluoride’s main benefit comes from topical contact with the teeth, not from ingestion. Even the CDC’s Oral Health Division now acknowledges this. There is simply no need therefore, to swallow fluoride, whether in the water, toothpaste, or any other form. Further, despite early claims that fluoridated water would reduce cavities by 65%, modern large-scale studies show no consistent or meaningful difference in the cavity rates of fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas.


REASON #3:  Fluoridation Is Not a Safe Practice


The most important reason to end fluoridation is that it is simply not a safe practice, particularly for those who have health conditions that render them vulnerable to fluoride’s toxic effects.


First, there is no dispute that fluoridation is causing millions of children to develop dental fluorosis, a discoloration of the teeth that is caused by excessive fluoride intake. Scientists from the Centers for Disease Control have even acknowledged that fluoridation is causing “cosmetically objectionable” fluorosis on children’s front teeth — an effect that can cause children embarrassment and anxiety at an age when physical appearance is the single most important predictor of self-esteem.


Second, it is known that fluoridated water caused severe bone disease in dialysis patients up until the late 1970s (prior to dialysis units filtering fluoride). While dialysis units now filter out the fluoride, research shows that current fluoride exposures are still resulting in dangerously high bone fluoride levels in dialysis patients and patients with other advanced forms of kidney disease. It is unethical to compromise the health of some members in a population to obtain a purported benefit for another — particularly in the absence of these vulnerable members’ knowing consent.


And, finally, a growing body of evidence reasonably indicates that fluoridated water, in addition to other sources of daily fluoride exposure, can cause or contribute to a range of serious effects, including arthritis, damage to the developing brain, reduced thyroid function, and possibly osteosarcoma (bone cancer) in adolescent males.




Safe Water Calgary, in collaboration with scientists, researchers, physicians, toxicologists, and dentists across North America, Australia, Ireland, and the UK released a Statement in Opposition to Artificial Water Fluoridation in July 2019 to refute the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) report “Community Water Fluoridation Programs: A Health Technology Assessment”, published earlier that year.


Available also is the Executive Summary:  Statement in Opposition to Artificial Water Fluoridation - Executive Summary.


This statement was released in response to the Community Water Fluoridation - A Report for City Council in July, 2019 by the O’Brien Institute for Public Health (OIPH) regarding the potential benefits and risks of artificial water fluoridation, and as directed by a Notice of Motion brought forward to City Council by Councillor Colley-Urquhart in February, 2019.


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Access Fluoride Free Canada to find out...

  • Canadian Communities that have Rejected Fluoridation

  • Canadian Communities that Still Fluoridate

  • Unfluoridated Countries

  • Fluoridated Countries

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