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The TSCA Fluoride Lawsuit wrapped up on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 after a 3-hour hearing featuring interactive closing statements from both parties.
 Follow detailed recaps of the two-week trial.


Christine Till Presents to the Rotary Club of Calgary


Christine Till is one of Canada's leading scientists.  She is a tenured Associate Professor in the Clinical Developmental Area in the Department of Psychology and Faculty of Health at York University, Toronto, Ontario. She is also appointed as an Adjunct Scientist of the Neurosciences and Mental Health Research Program at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.  Below she gives an in-depth look at the detail of her studies on fluoride.  She says: "How much more information is needed before we raise concerns...?"

Who We Are and What We Beli

Artificial water fluoridation is a serious public health threat to many Calgarians.  And to citizens in Edmonton, Toronto, and Regina. It’s not just Alberta, and it’s not just Canada’s problem.


Fluoridation’s well-documented health risks are not confined by provincial or national borders. The best studies published in the world’s leading journals, provide solid scientific evidence that it can significantly lower IQ in children. Many of these studies have been led by Canadian scientists. Fluoride is a known neurotoxin and an endocrine disruptor that can exacerbate diabetes, kidney disease, hypothyroidism, bone fractures and many other harmful conditions, whether in Calgary, New York, or Sydney.


Most nations and cities have long rejected or not even considered fluoridation. 95% of the world’s people drink unfluoridated water, 97% in Europe, where numerous countries prohibit it, including France, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands. In Canada, both British Columbia and Quebec are 98% fluoridation-free, and there is no evidence they have higher cavity rates than provinces with higher fluoridation rates. 


We’re proud to work with other advocates across Canada and all over the world. We’re helping to protect health, wherever you live, whatever political party you belong to and whatever you believe about other controversial topics. We're an all-volunteer grassroots organization where people who may not agree on other issues have come together. We unite people. We don’t divide them. We recognize fluoridation’s health risks and the simple truth that it’s totally misguided to put ANY drug into drinking water


It is also highly unethical, hurting those who are least able to protect themselves. It’s minimally effective if at all, and low-income families cannot afford expensive filters or bottled water to avoid it. They have no choice but to expose themselves and their children to this hazardous chemical.


Artificial water fluoridation is Safe Water Calgary's only issue. We won't be distracted by others. We unapologetically accept support from people everywhere to help protect Calgarians from this egregious practice, just as we will support people in other communities around the world. We're all in this great cause together.


We believe most people who support artificial water fluoridation are well-intended, including those in authority positions. Unfortunately, they are underinformed or misinformed about its serious health risks and ineffectiveness.


We at Safe Water Calgary will take the high road and not resort to personal attacks. However, we will challenge anyone when misinformation is disseminated. 


We will continue to speak truth to power until this outdated and dangerous practice is ended.



  1. Fluoride is a proven neurotoxin and is one of the most toxic substances on the planet, more toxic than lead and almost as toxic as arsenic! NOT what we want to add to our pristine public water! 

  2. Fluoride and fluoridation are most harmful to babies, children, the disadvantaged, the poor and people of colour.

  3. Fluoride is NOT a vitamin or nutrient, and is NOT needed for a single body function.

  4. 99% of fluoridated water is used to water lawns, flush toilets, shower and bath, and also by industry; then flushed into our ecosystems mostly unchecked. This is NOT green.

  5. Water fluoridation does NOT make economic sense in good economic times and most certainly not in tough, tight economies.

  6. 98% of British Columbia, 98% of Quebec, 97% of Europe and 95% of our world do NOT fluoridate. Non-fluoridated areas are in the vast majority!

  7. Skyrocketing fluorosis is the first visible sign of overdosing and toxicity.

  8. It is highly unethical to mass medicate, especially without informed consent, monitoring or follow up.

  9. Politicians should NOT mass medicate, nor should citizens vote by plebiscite on who should be medicated. Choice is of utmost importance!!

  10.  A major court case is underway in the USA Federal courts since 2016 against the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) for adding a toxic substance to public water. Confirmed under oath—fluoride is a medication! 


Content on this website has been vetted by PhDs in Biochemistry & Chemistry, a former dean of Science, pharmacists, and PhDs in Toxicology, Biochemistry, Chemistry and other related fields from across Canada and the United States.

Two of these researchers took part in the National Academies of Sciences' National Research Council's (NRC) 3.5 year 
Systematic Review on the effects of fluoride in drinking water. The NRC review along with the year 2000 York Review and year 2015 Cochrane Review are the only independent comprehensive systematic reviews ever conducted on the effects of fluoride in drinking water.

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